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A new key biodiversity platform for cross sectoral collaboration
For its inaugural launch, World Biodiversity Summit will help define what world leaders and the private sector in biodiversity and climate action need to do in the medium and long term to achieve sustainable development and hinder further biodiversity loss, focusing on partnerships and investment mechanisms as levers of progress. World Biodiversity Summit is a platform for responding to accelerating biodiversity loss, by using the Paris Agreement as a framework to learn from, promoting relevant solutions, innovations, and leadership networks, strengthening nature restoration and conservation. Nature-based solutions will be highlighted, from specificecosystems to global possibilities.
Lekela Power - Industriens Pension
Lekela Power is a pan-African renewable energy (wind and solar) platform set to deliver 1.3 GW of renewable energy across Africa. Besides providing green energy Lekela invest in the local communities to build a lasting positive impact and social dividend; projects that seek to improve local education, develop local enterprise and protect the local environment.
Asset classes
• Infrastructure fund and co-investment
Value in US dollars
• Confidential
Geographic location
• 8 sites across Egypt, Ghana, South Africa and Senegal
Green Dimension(s):
• Clean Energy Production
Expected Maturity
• -
• Actis Energy, our long-term fund manager in growth markets
Form of Funding
• Financed with a combination of equity and debt

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